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Shelli Carter, LPCC

Shelli Carter, LPCC


I want to understand your perspective and experience, so we can establish meaningful goals for our time together.

My Therapy Style

My approach to counseling is patient-centered and holistic. I want to understand your perspective and experience, so we can establish meaningful goals for our time together. I have years of experience as a nurse, as well as a counselor, which allows me to better view the whole person and the ways physical and mental health intersect. My go-to treatment modalities are evidenced-based and a bit eclectic as each client is unique and one size does not fit all. 

My counseling experience ranges from working with individuals in transition, those with depression and anxiety, and those with PTSD. I have worked extensively with sexual trauma survivors, as well as those with infertility. I look forward to getting to know you!

Education & Training

MA - Clinical Counseling, Seton Hall University

EDS - Professional Counseling, Senton Hall University

Get to Know Me

What are your interests outside of work?

Cooking, reading, health, hiking, travel, and my rescue dog.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Walk or exercise in some form.

What book have you read more than once?

Of Mice and Men. I read it when I was quite young and was moved so opted to read it again as an adult to see how my perception might have changed. It was still excellent.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

This is hard to narrow down but I will say Morris CARES (or any county-based sexual trauma center that provides free counseling for survivors) because it is close to my professional heart. I also love my local animal shelter (where I am on a waiting list for volunteer training) because they do amazing work and it is where I got my sweet girl.

How do you recharge?

Hike, read, or spend time with family and friends.

Do you have any pets?

I have a rescue dog named Calpurnia. She is a constant source of amusement but a recent funny story is losing her in my not-so-large home. I realized someone had left the guest room door cracked and found her not only on the bed (where she knows she is never allowed) but with her head on the freshly laundered pillows looking at me as if I was disturbing her nap.