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Natalie Collins, LCSW

Natalie Collins, LCSW


I thoroughly enjoy my work as a therapist and witnessing the courage and resilience within each of my clients that guides positive change.

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, University of California, Berkeley

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I have always enjoyed working with people and helping them face the numerous challenges life presents. I worked in public health for about a decade in the areas of breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, environmental health, and nutrition. I enjoyed this work and was especially drawn to the intersection of physical and mental health. However, I really missed working directly with individuals and realized my biggest impact and interest was working directly with clients in the mental health field. I have really enjoyed my profession and love learning about the most effective interventions for my clients, making cultural adaptations as needed, and learning from my clients through their wisdom and resilience.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy hiking, cycling, yoga, and spending time with my dog exploring the Bay Area, where I have lived for almost 20 years. I grew up in a border town in Texas where I learned Spanish. I love travel in general and have had the good fortune to travel to many countries, and especially Spanish-speaking countries where I have a deep affinity for the language and culture.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I aim to get regular daily exercise which really helps me clear my head and replenish myself. I especially like hiking in the redwoods where I feel so much solace and comfort from the wisdom of the giant trees.