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Kaitlyn Brown, LCSW

Kaitlyn Brown, LCSW


My approach can be helpful in many ways, including processing past traumas.

My Therapy Style

Participating in therapy can be a uniquely beneficial process for improving overall health and wellness. Whether it's healing from past traumas, adjusting to changes in life, implementing new ways of thinking and feeling, or working to define our sense of self and value system, therapy can be an invaluable support along the way.

Integrating techniques from cognitive therapies with the unstructured components of narrative therapy offers many benefits. This allows for the opportunity to share and process your story in your own way while taking time to notice and reflect on your thoughts and feelings along the way. My approach can be helpful in many ways, including processing past traumas, managing and improving depression, anger, and anxiety, addressing self-judgment and guilt, and identifying ruminative and false thoughts.

Education & Training

MSW - Social Welfare, University of California, Los Angeles

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I love talking to people. I consider it such a privilege to be able to hear and experience a person's story. So much of therapy is getting to hold safe space for people and support them in putting down a lot of heaviness that they have been holding for a long time. The lightening of that load is incredible to witness and I love being a part of it.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy spending time outside with my 6-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter. We are in year 2 of the "1000 hours outside challenge". My husband and I enjoy watching Frasier together and eating Sushi whenever we get a night out.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I do guided meditation nightly before I attempt to fall asleep. I used to suggest mindfulness practices and meditations to clients frequently because the evidence suggests how helpful they can be but I wasn't practicing these myself. So I started looking into my own barriers to starting these practices and I've now been able to use guided meditation nightly for several months.

What book have you read more than once?

I've read Catcher in the Rye at least a dozen times. I think Holden's character flaws are heartbreaking and beautiful. I love to think about what it would be like to get to sit with Holden and have a conversation and hold a safe space for him to explore some of his thoughts.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

The Alzheimer's Association. I have personal experience with Alzheimer's affecting a very close family member, and I've seen firsthand how devastating it can be for the entire family system, for various reasons. I have also been on the receiving end of support from the Alzheimer's Association including resource information and support group navigation.

How do you recharge?

I run 3-4 times per week, 3 miles each time. I have two small children and feel like I am constantly being climbed on, slept on, spilled on, pulled on, sat on, etc…running allows me to be fully alone for 30 minutes at a time, to move my body however I need to without worrying about disrupting anyone else. The endorphin release is wonderful too!