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Jennifer Lovelace, LCSW

Jennifer Lovelace, LCSW


I am an empathetic yet direct therapist who is passionate about this work and helping you achieve your goals!

My Therapy Style

I have worked with a myriad of individuals and families who come from various cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds and have treated issues related to interpersonal relationships, depression, anxiety, and trauma. I use different therapeutic modalities to include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) to help clients achieve their individual goals.

I work best with clients who are motivated for change and committed to the journey. I believe most of the change happens outside of session. I will help you identify what is working well and what is not so that we may highlight your strengths while tackling the challenges/issues that have kept you from meeting your goals. To help motivate change, I provide homework assignments tailored to your therapeutic goals while encouraging you to try out the different skills and approaches learned in session. I am an empathetic yet direct therapist who is passionate about this work and helping you achieve your goals!

Education & Training

BSW - Social Work, California State University Sacramento

MSW - Social Work, California State University Sacramento

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I grew up in a blended family and was always very aware of the issues and dynamics involved in my family. As such, I became interested in helping people resolve their own issues and better their lives and relationships.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, hiking, walking my lab, gardening, going on random road trips, traveling, trying new foods, and reading.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I take time to focus on self, even if it's just 5 minutes, sipping my coffee, or looking at the beautiful sunsets. I find ways to make internal deposits whether it be through an activity or positive thoughts.

What book have you read more than once?

I've never been the type to read a book twice. I don't usually watch movies twice either! That's just not me. But, I hold onto books as if they are some of my most prized possessions. I value books, everything from fiction to non fiction. I dream of one day owning a home big enough to have my very own library room.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

I always said that if I did not work with people, I would work with animals. While I don't have a favorite organization/non-profit, I have great affinity for any organization that assists with the care of animals.

How do you recharge?

My recharge can be anything from a planned vacation out of the country to enjoying a couple of scoops of my favorite ice cream at home.

Do you have any pets?

Shortly after getting my chocolate lab, I began training her to sit in the backseat during car rides so that we could get ice cream together. We would go to the fast food places that I knew offered a treat for dogs. When we came back home, I would eat my ice cream and she would have hers. She would then run laps around the yard from being hyped up on sugar!