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Hannah Kwon, LMFT

Hannah Kwon, LMFT


My approach is you-centered (an eclectic approach that adapts to what best fits your current needs).

My Therapy Style

My approach is you-centered (an eclectic approach that adapts to what best fits your current needs) and includes self-compassion and identifying the connection between current stressors and your past experiences in order to bring light to the root issues preventing you from being wholly you. 

I am always listening to what you need and collaborating with you in order to keep sessions you-centered and focused as that includes: cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative, existential, trauma-informed, and self-compassion-informed therapy.

Education & Training

BA - English, University of California Riverside

BA - Religious Studies, University of California Riverside

MA - Clinical Psychology, Azusa Pacific University

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I became a therapist because growing up as an Asian American in an immigrant family was really hard. I thought it was normal to feel the way I did, depressed and anxious, and I wish someone had been there to help support and guide me. I have a lived understanding of struggling to hold space to just be, to exist as myself without the visceral weights of guilt or shame. I believe your story is uniquely yours and that you are worth not only existing freely as yourself but worthy of living meaningfully as it best fits you.

What are your interests outside of work?

I am a funky one as I am 100% a homebody little hobbit of a human where I love cozying up with a good book in my heated blanket (I don't really use the heater, I always joke and say it's cultural), writing, playing/making songs on my ukelele, cuddling my cat, and other creative outlets ANNND I am also 100% loving the outdoors with hiking, the beach, the ocean, scuffing up my knees as I effort in rollerblading, petting and seeing animals, and camping out the best that I can though I'm a bit of an O_O when it comes to mosquitos (there's a trauma there, I'm sure).

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

I definitely need some type of physical activity even if I can only muster a 5-minute walking in place, I've noticed it has a huge impact on my mood and kind of revs me up to at least try the next thing when heaviness is settled on me.

I also have various types of check-ins and make sure to do at least one of them, pending on what I have the capacity for Finch (the app), journaling, bullet journaling, taking a photo that's meaningful or expresses what I'm feeling, sending a message to myself, sending a message to one of my close people, reading a quote/song that helps ground me.

What book have you read more than once?

My favorite book aside from The Lord of the Rings (an absolute favorite) is… PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH. It was an amazing read back in the 4th grade and I've just found myself coming back to it between books. It's like my palette cleanser. I love the rawness and realness of children's books, there seem to be fewer pressures or forced epiphanies and fancies and so what's left is an honest, fantastical, clever story that is relatable and yet so hopeful. I actually have several copies at home always just in case others are interested!

Favorite organization/non-profit?

I actually support Compassion. I believe a mentor of mine back in high school introduced me to Compassion and I got to get involved. I love how supportive the community is and how consistent they are to keep us involved and invited to be in touch and stay in touch with those we get to support. So I love the organization and love the kid that I get to support and write to and hear back from.

How do you recharge?

I recharge by pausing. I'm more anxious prone as I've dealt with that my whole life so really finding things that help me pause and ground myself to remember that I can go at my own pace, I am doing what I can, and that I am so worth it even just as I exist is really essential to breathing new energy and life into me.

This can happen in any of the self-care ways, hobbies, friendships, and conversation ways so long as I know that I'm choosing it by pausing first versus feeling driven by anxiousness or pressure.

Do you have any pets?

I do! I have one beautifully hilariously cuddly and amazing floofy cat. He is my remote-co worker (you might see him pop up on the screen from time to time) and I've had him for almost 13 years now since we got him as a little baby stray.

Since covid, he has definitely settled into the good life of having me home most of the time and loves the cuddles, treats, and love. But if I'm really honest, so do I.