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Domenique LaBeau, LMFT

Domenique LaBeau, LMFT


I've spent years helping individuals, couples, and families achieve their goals with trauma-informed and multiculturally competent care.

My Therapy Style

I've spent years helping individuals, couples, and families achieve their goals with trauma-informed and multiculturally competent care. I use a mindfulness and attachment-based approach while providing tools to help in real-time. I have advanced knowledge and training in LGBTQIA-affirming care to provide a safe space for the diverse population I serve. My work outside of the therapy office includes the facilitation of couples' communication workshops, self-care and mindfulness workshops for burnout, and LGBTQIA trainings.

Education & Training

BA - Psychology, California Polytechnic University

MS - Marriage and Family Therapy, University of La Verne

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I wanted to help people understand their thoughts and emotions.

What are your interests outside of work?

My interests outside of work include reading, having a nice meal out with friends and my partner, and playing with my baby.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

One thing I do daily that supports my mental and emotional well-being is movement such as exercise, yoga, and dancing.

What book have you read more than once?

Beautiful Boy because the dynamics between the father and son are heartbreakingly complex.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

ASPCA because I love animals!

How do you recharge?

Watching a good movie.

Do you have any pets?

I've always had animals and currently, I have a dog and cat! My favorite story is about how our last cat adopted us. We moved into a rental house and the previous owners left their cat behind. She would come into the garage when it was open and one time we left the front door open and she just waltzed inside like she owned the place…because she did! We kept her and took her when we moved to our next home. She was the sweetest, old lady.