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Lincoln Madley, LMFT

Lincoln Madley, LMFT


I would describe my therapeutic approach as empathetic, compassionate, non-judgmental, embodied, and collaborative.

My Therapy Style

I would describe my therapeutic approach as empathetic, compassionate, non-judgmental, embodied, and collaborative. I draw from a variety of models to meet clients where they are. I provide a humanistic, relational psychodynamic perspective that offers space to explore how past experiences shape present patterns of relating to others and the self. I interweave the skills of mindfulness and teachings of Buddhist psychology to help clients manage anxiety, stress, and depression, increase self-esteem, refine communication, set boundaries, and navigate difficult relationship and family issues. I have specialized training in trauma, couples, and sex therapy.

Education & Training

MA - Clinical Psychology, Antioch University

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I am curious, compassionate, and introspective. I also love to learn. I am drawn to this work because so much suffering goes unseen. Therapy provides an opportunity to make a positive impact on people's lives. We all have a beautiful capacity for connection and change. I am grateful to witness that as a therapist.

What are your interests outside of work?

I play guitar and write songs. I like seeing live music and discovering new artists. I'm also interested in world cinema and film history.

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?


What book have you read more than once?

Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. It has a lot to say about mindfulness. Reading it the second time, I was more aware of the impermanence of the experience, like watching a sand mandala be wiped clean. It is a long book. There were so many passages I had forgotten. I knew as I read them that they would disappear again.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

My favorite non-profit is The People Concern. They serve the homeless community in Santa Monica. They provide outreach, interim and permanent housing, medical care, mental health care, domestic violence services, substance abuse services. The list goes on and on. There is so much this organization provides to improve quality of life and provide pathways to active participation in the community.

How do you recharge?

Embodied mindfulness practices that involve movement, like dance, yoga, tai-chi, or qigong. I enjoy spending time in nature.