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Efrem Bryant, LCSW

Efrem Bryant, LCSW


I'm a very direct clinician. I like to serve the role of your accountability partner, where we cultivate a safe, supportive judgment-free zone together.

My Therapy Style

Life happens to all of us. The ability to adapt effectively is key. Sometimes we just need some assistance getting back on track and that's where I come in. As a social worker, I have served in various capacities in the mental health field for over 15 years. During this time, I've treated individuals and families from all walks of life. Whether dealing with depression, anxiety, trauma, or cultural issues, my flexible, empathetic therapeutic style allows me to be able to meet the client wherever they are in life.

In particular, as an African American, I understand how important it is to have proper representation in the mental health field. Being able to have access to providers who look like you or share your cultural background can make all the difference in one's motivation for change. I'm a very direct clinician. I like to serve the role of your accountability partner, where we cultivate a safe, supportive judgment-free zone together. When we are working, you are in the driver's seat and as your co-captain, I will be happy to help you navigate reasonable pathways to insight, growth, and positive change. But the steering wheel is always in your hands. If you're ready, then let's get going!

Education & Training

MSW - Social Work, University of Southern California

Get to Know Me

Why did you become a mental health professional?

I've always been the confidant in my family and social circles. I know what it feels like to be misunderstood, misrepresented, or sometimes not heard at all. I'm an advocate for clear communication, understanding, and self-improvement, so this seemed like a perfect profession for me. I like helping people problem solve and discover their own untapped potential. This work is a calling I proudly embrace.

What are your interests outside of work?

I enjoy live concerts with my loved ones and solo. I enjoy creating art, boxing, and napping. (Did I mention naps?)

What is one thing you do daily that supports your well-being?

Every day, I identify at least one thing, person, or experience that I am grateful for. This helps me keep perspective, maintain humility and overall peace.

Favorite organization/non-profit?

My favorite non-profit would have to be my own: Core Contributors Group Inc. I started this organization with some colleagues during COVID, to help other Black an Brown organizations access funding to help improve the areas of Education, Health, and Homelessness in Los Angeles.

How do you recharge?

I recharge through naps, creating art, or doing a meditation retreat at a local monastery.